St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton Crest

Year 9 Elective Selection

Dear Year 8 Students,

Choosing elective subjects for Years 9 and 10 is an exciting milestone, as you now have the chance to decide what you’d like to study alongside the core subjects of Religious Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Australian History and Geography, and PDHPE.

At St Catherine’s Catholic College, we offer a broad range of elective subjects, recognizing that each of you has unique interests and aspirations. We are fortunate to have dedicated, experienced, and passionate staff committed to providing enriching learning experiences across these elective courses.

Selecting subjects can be challenging. If you already have a potential career path or a university course in mind, choosing electives aligned with these interests may be helpful preparation for future HSC choices. However, many students your age aren’t yet sure what they want to pursue post-school, and that’s perfectly okay. My advice is to choose subjects that genuinely interest you and that you’ll enjoy studying. You don’t need to be skilled in these areas from the start; the courses will teach you the necessary skills as you go. Being open to learning and ready to take on new challenges is key—sometimes, selecting a subject that piques your curiosity can be more rewarding than choosing one where you already excel.

If you’re uncertain about your options or have questions about any of the courses, don’t hesitate to speak with the subject teachers or Coordinators—they’re always willing to help you make informed choices. Additionally, talking with older students who have taken these subjects can give you helpful insights into the content and expectations.

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