St Catherine’s Catholic College Learning Hubs are welcoming and flexible learning environments. They are place to meet, study, relax, make and play. Along with traditional resources, students can watch TV, construct jigsaws, play chess, colour in or simply sit in a bean chair and contemplate.
Students also have access to a wide variety of age appropriate text formats including novels, non-fiction books, eBooks, graphic novels, picture books and magazines. Knowledge of literacy development, current releases and popular culture ensures the right books are chosen and selected to entice reluctant readers and to satisfy our compulsive bookworms when new titles by favourite authors are released.
The Secondary Book Club also gives students a chance to discuss and recommend their recent reads with their peers.
Overwhelmingly, a positive correlation has been found between the presence of a qualified Teacher Librarian and student achievement. Teacher librarians can provide access to curated information that specifically meets the needs of teachers and students.
Teacher Librarians can help students learn the best ways to drill down their search to find what they are looking for. The library catalogue (Oliver) also provides access to resources specifically chosen to meet the school’s needs including ebooks, audio books, books, links to website, CDs, DVDs and other physical resources.
A student may normally have on loan two (2) resources at any one time. Non-fiction and fiction resources are generally on loan for 7 days only. If a student wishes to renew a book, the resource must first be returned to the library.
To ensure that resources are shared equitably, an Overdue Resource Policy has been established. Any student who fails to return a library resource by the due date will be automatically banned from borrowing until the resource is returned. If a library resource is returned late, a student will be fined as follows:
Wireless internet access is available in all classrooms and in the library for students who wish to carry out curriculum based research. Computers are also available in the library during recess and lunch for student use. At all times, whether in class or not, students are expected to follow St Catherine’s Catholic College Acceptable Use Policy.
Colour and black/white printing is available in the library. A scanner and photocopying facilities are also available.