St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton Crest

Parents & Friends Association

We now have decades of research affirming the critical importance of family involvement in young people’s holistic education both within the home and at school. We know that benefits accrue for students, schools and families when families and communities are engaged in partnership with the school to support student learning. – Danielle Cronin, Executive Director, CCSP Churchill Report 2009

St Catherine’s Catholic College has an active and enthusiastic Parents and Friends Association (P&F). All parents and carers whose children are enrolled at the school are automatically members of the P&F. St Catherine’s Parent and Friends Association, our main parent body, have supported our College in providing exceptional educational facilities and experiences for our students. Our P&F association in particular are pleased to have provided parents with an opportunity to play an active role in their children’s education and to strengthen the link between the College and the wider community.

The P&F team meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 5.30pm in the secondary or primary library (depending on availability) where they discuss relevant issues concerning our school community.

The executive elected committee for 2024

President: Heidi Tanzer

Vice President: Tanya Gilbert

Secretary: Erica Ledbrook

Treasurer: Kate Munzenberger

Federation Members: Rebecca Gaisreiter and Jamie Schippers

Our P&F Mission and Goals

  • Develop a community spirit with a Christian ethos
  • Support and work in partnership with our Principal and staff
  • Participate in College decision making
  • Promote interaction between home and school, parents and teachers
  • Encourage parent participation in teaching and learning activities and school life
  • Assist parents to appreciate teaching and learning programs
  • Promote the College in the wider community
  • Attention to faith education activities
  • Create a forum for open discussion
  • Assist in providing resources to the school when necessary
  • Planning and organising of functions approved by a P&F meeting and the Principal
  • Work with parish and college in pursuit of common goals – faith, harmony and Integrity.

So, how can YOU participate in your child’s education? At school you can ask your child’s teacher about becoming a volunteer to help with reading and other class activities. Volunteering at the canteen is also a great way to participate, as is becoming involved with the P&F Association.

The P&F provide opportunities to share your talents either through a specific role on the executive, volunteering and attending the meetings and having a positive input.

The P&F undertake, with the support of our parents, friends and business associates, a number of social and College beneficiary activities. These activities and association group meetings provide valuable liaison between our college principal and the broader college teaching staff.

With the dedicated commitment by the P&F association, our college and our wider parent community, the P&F association is able to manage and deliver a number of College projects.

The P&F supply, for free, Kindergarten’s teal hats. The hats have significant importance in our College to identify our Kindergarten students who may need assistance during the sometimes daunting early stages of separation from mums and dads. Identifying the little ones and providing comforting assistance from our college senior student buddies is nice transition into the first school year.

Our primary disco allows our primary students the freedom to enjoy themselves in a fully supervised disco after school hours with associated fun created through dance.

Annually we hold our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls. The excitement of our students when they are able to provide a small gift to our most loved mums and dads is overwhelming beautiful.

To improve the sense of community with our College families we hold an annual ‘Night on the Green’. Students perform individual and group vocal and instrumental pieces, staff make a guest appearances and refreshments are made available throughout the night.

What is the role of the P&F Executives?

The P&F Association is managed by the Executive members. In this function, the Executives plan, manage and organise the Association’s affairs. It is the responsibility of the Executives to ensure regular meeting are held where all parents, the principal, teachers and priest are invited. The Executive meetings will be held prior to the General Meetings to plan the agenda, look at issues that have been raised, finalise arrangements and ensure the smooth running of the association.

How to make contact with your Executive members?

Please feel free to approach your Executive members with any issues you may wish to address at our meetings and/or for any information you may need throughout the year. Alternatively, you may wish to email your enquiry to

Who attends the P&F General Meeting?

Our College Principal attends each of our monthly meetings. The principal delivers a monthly report which keeps us up to date on the progress of the school. A school executive also attends to represent the teachers.

All parents and friends of the College are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Funds raised by the P&F

Most of our fundraising in recent years has gone towards equipment, materials and resources for our College. We see this as a vital investment in our children’s future at St Catherine’s.

How can you become involved?

  • Attend your P&F meetings
  • Take on a role in your P&F
  • Share your talents
  • Volunteer for P&F events